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Scott Berry
Apr 7, 20193 min read
What is "Child Custody"?
Minnesota Child Custody In Minnesota, there are two types of child custody: legal custody and physical custody. Legal Custody Legal...
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Scott Berry
Feb 13, 20193 min read
The Mediation Process
Although mediation is much less formal than court, the mediation process generally involves six stages. Each stage is designed to assist...
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Scott Berry
Jan 29, 20191 min read
Can My Kids Choose Where They Want To Live?
Not necessarily. Courts are required to consider what is in the best interest of your child; and your child’s preference is just one of...
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Scott Berry
Sep 14, 20181 min read
What is Domestic Abuse in Minnesota?
Orders For Protection In Minnesota, the “Domestic Abuse” statute (Minn. Stat. § 518B.01) is somewhat limited in its application. There...
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Scott Berry
Aug 14, 20182 min read
Tips & Tricks To Creating A Quality Parenting Time Schedule
It has been our experience that a detailed Parenting Time Schedule is extremely important. A thorough Parenting Time Schedule will help...
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Scott Berry
Jul 27, 20181 min read
Who Has Access To Your Children's Records?
Despite your legal and physical custody arrangement with your child’s parent, Minnesota laws provides that both you and your child’s...
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Scott Berry
Jan 9, 20181 min read
What Can I Do To Ensure Future Child Support And Alimony Payments?
What you receive in alimony and child support payments is only good if your spouse has the ability to pay. To ensure that your spouse...
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Scott Berry
Apr 11, 20173 min read
My Spouse is a Jerk
Why Bad Mouthing Your Ex To Your Children Is Bad For Your Children The desire to bad mouth your spouse to your child is tempting when...
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Scott Berry
Jul 29, 20162 min read
What Should You Bring To Mediation?
In order to make the most out of the mediation process and the use the time spent with the mediator efficiently, there are certain...
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Scott Berry
May 19, 20161 min read
What Is Considered When Calculating Child Support?
Generally, child support obligations in Minnesota are based on a set of statutory guidelines utilizing the following information: Each...
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